I'm planning to join some friends celebrating their anniversary with mountain air and sunshine in Yosemite National Park. Unfortunately, the campsite they're in is super popular and completely booked, but I should 'check every day as people cancel all the time!'.
I was checking every day until I realised there must be an easier way...
Enter Python, Selenium and Telegram.
I hadn't used Selenium before, but after reading the docs and a couple posts on Medium, it seemed like the way to go.
I needed to use a webdriver to access the search form and input my dates. Selenium has multiple methods of accessing html
elements in the browser, I used the element's ids and Xpath. If the webdriver finds the dates we are looking for, the boolean value of dates_available
will switch to True
, and we will use Telegram's API to send a notification.
The parameters I needed to get started were:
# params
url = "https://www.travelyosemite.com/lodging/housekeeping-camp"
options = Options()
# comment line below to see process
# options.add_argument("--headless=new")
arrival_input_id = "container-widget-hero_ArrivalDate"
depart_input_id = "container-widget-hero_DepartureDate"
arrival_date = "5/30/2024"
depart_date = "6/2/2024"
dates_available = False
First, the the instance of the webdriver is created:
# access search page
driver = webdriver.Chrome(
service=ChromeService(ChromeDriverManager().install()), options=options
Once on the browser page, we need to access the date input box on the form and send our desired dates to the element. I ran into difficulty using the .send_keys()
method, but I was able to successfully input the dates once I made sure the form was clear with .clear()
# input arrival date
arrival_input_element = driver.find_element(By.ID, arrival_input_id)
# input depart date
depart_input_element = driver.find_element(By.ID, depart_input_id)
Now, we access the submit button element of the form and click through to the following page:
# submit form
submit_button_element = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, submit_button_xpath)
To parse the results page, I used a try except block. The Webdriver instance waits for the presence of our search results, and if it is unable to locate it, will throw an Exception.
# wait until available dates element loads
avail_dates_element = wait.until(
EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, avail_dates_xpath))
avail_dates_string = avail_dates_element.get_attribute("innerHTML")
print("avail dates: ", avail_dates_string)
dates_available = True
return dates_available
except Exception:
no_results_id = "box-results-empty-outer"
no_results_element = driver.find_element(By.ID, no_results_id)
no_results_string = no_results_element.get_attribute("innerHTML")
print("no results: ", no_results_string)
return dates_available
If our program returns dates_available = True
, our send_message()
function will send a push notification to the Telegram app:
def send_message(url):
dates_available = check_availability()
if dates_available:
message = f"Housekeeping Camp has availability!! \n book now: {url}"
telegram_message_url = f"https://api.telegram.org/bot{BOT_API_KEY}/sendMessage?chat_id={TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}&text={message}"
print("dates not available")
View the full code here.
Happy trails! 🏔️