Using Python and Selenium to secure a booked out Yosemite campsite

March 16, 2024

I'm planning to join some friends celebrating their anniversary with mountain air and sunshine in Yosemite National Park. Unfortunately, the campsite they're in is super popular and completely booked, but I should 'check every day as people cancel all the time!'.

I was checking every day until I realised there must be an easier way...

Enter Python, Selenium and Telegram.

I hadn't used Selenium before, but after reading the docs and a couple posts on Medium, it seemed like the way to go.

I needed to use a webdriver to access the search form and input my dates. Selenium has multiple methods of accessing html elements in the browser, I used the element's ids and Xpath. If the webdriver finds the dates we are looking for, the boolean value of dates_available will switch to True, and we will use Telegram's API to send a notification.

The parameters I needed to get started were:

# params
url = ""
options = Options()
# comment line below to see process
# options.add_argument("--headless=new")
arrival_input_id = "container-widget-hero_ArrivalDate"
depart_input_id = "container-widget-hero_DepartureDate"
arrival_date = "5/30/2024"
depart_date = "6/2/2024"
dates_available = False

First, the the instance of the webdriver is created:

# access search page
driver = webdriver.Chrome(
    service=ChromeService(ChromeDriverManager().install()), options=options

Once on the browser page, we need to access the date input box on the form and send our desired dates to the element. I ran into difficulty using the .send_keys() method, but I was able to successfully input the dates once I made sure the form was clear with .clear().

# input arrival date
arrival_input_element = driver.find_element(By.ID, arrival_input_id)

# input depart date
depart_input_element = driver.find_element(By.ID, depart_input_id)

Now, we access the submit button element of the form and click through to the following page:

# submit form
submit_button_element = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, submit_button_xpath)

To parse the results page, I used a try except block. The Webdriver instance waits for the presence of our search results, and if it is unable to locate it, will throw an Exception.

    # wait until available dates element loads
    avail_dates_element = wait.until(
        EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, avail_dates_xpath))
    avail_dates_string = avail_dates_element.get_attribute("innerHTML")
    print("avail dates: ", avail_dates_string)
    dates_available = True
    return dates_available

except Exception:
    no_results_id = "box-results-empty-outer"
    no_results_element = driver.find_element(By.ID, no_results_id)
    no_results_string = no_results_element.get_attribute("innerHTML")
    print("no results: ", no_results_string)
    return dates_available

If our program returns dates_available = True, our send_message() function will send a push notification to the Telegram app:

def send_message(url):
    dates_available = check_availability()

    if dates_available:
        message = f"Housekeeping Camp has availability!! \n book now: {url}"
        telegram_message_url = f"{BOT_API_KEY}/sendMessage?chat_id={TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID}&text={message}"
        print("dates not available")

View the full code here.

Happy trails! 🏔️